written by: dr. jacquie jacob, university of kentucky
do you have a favorite recipe you like to cook that includes eggs? then the 4-h egg preparation demonstration contest is for you! contestants have 12 minutes to prepare a recipe that has eggs as an ingredient. the demonstration must show proper food safety and cooking techniques. contestants must also talk about important egg facts while cooking.
here are some ideas:
nutritional value. what nutrients do eggs provide? how can eggs fit into a nutritious menu plan
proper storage. how do you keep eggs fresh and safe to eat?
functional properties what purpose do eggs serve in different recipes? for example, they are a thickening agent in custards and a binding agent in meatloaves.
buying eggs. what does the information on an egg carton tell you? for example, what does ‘grade’ mean? what do the words ‘large’ or ‘extra large’ refer to?
versatility. what are some of the many ways you can use eggs?
economics. how does the value of eggs compare with other food options?
think of the 4-h egg preparation demonstration as being like a cooking show. the chef prepares a recipe while sharing interesting facts with the audience.
contestants are judged on presentation content, presentation and skill, and the final product. the top senior in each state is eligible to compete at the national 4-h poultry and egg conference in louisville, ky. the conference is held annually the wednesday and thursday before thanksgiving. it’s a great opportunity to meet other 4-hers from around the country.
don’t have a contest in your county or state? think about having your 4-h club start one.
4-h egg preparation demonstration contest (university of kentucky)
series of videos on how to compete well in the 4-h egg preparation demonstration contest (referred to as egg cookery in the videos) – auburn university