written by: dr. jacquie jacob, university of kentucky
the intestinal system includes the small and large intestines.
viral infections
hemorrhagic enteritis
clinical signs of hemorrhagic enteritis, a disease affecting turkeys, including the following:
- unthriftiness
- blood droppings
- death
bacterial infections
clinical signs of colibacillosis include the following:
- unthriftiness
- diarrhea
- respiratory signs
- lameness
ulcerative or necrotic enteritis
clinical signs of ulcerative or necrotic enteritis include the following:
- unthriftiness
- diarrhea
- weight loss
- death
- additional bacterial infections
other bacterial infections that can affect the intestinal system can include the following:
coccidia are internal parasites. clinical signs of coccidiosis include the following:
- bloody droppings
- diarrhea
- weight loss
- unthriftiness
- ruffled feathers
- chills
- huddling behavior
- increased likelihood of death
use of anticoccidial medications and vaccines in poultry production
worms are internal parasites. clinical signs of worm infestation include the following:
- unthriftiness
- gasping (a symptom of gapeworms)
blackhead is caused by infestation with internal parasites. clinical signs or blackhead include the following:
- ruffled feathers
- huddling behaviors
- yellow droppings
- death