external anatomy of guinea fowl

written by: dr. jacquie jacob, university of kentucky

guinea fowl have many of the same basic external parts as chickens and turkeys. these parts include the eyes, ears, beak, wattle, hocks, and shanks. the helmeted guinea fowl, which is the most common species of guinea fowl, also has a bony protrusion on its head. in addition to this helmet, another characteristic particular to the guinea fowl is its head cap skin. figures 1 and 2 show the external parts of a helmeted guinea fowl.

parts of a guinea fowl
figure 1. parts of the head of a guinea fowl. source: dr. jacquie jacob, university of kentucky


guinea fowl parts
figure 2. parts of a guinea fowl. source: public domain

for more information:

keeping guinea fowl, jacquie jacob and tony pescatore, university of kentucky

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