comments on: colorado ballot issue: slaughter age for poultry and other livestock - 安卓beplay // welcome to the poultry extension website mon, 13 mar 2023 19:37:29 +0000 hourly 1 by: brandon d jones // mon, 13 mar 2023 19:37:29 +0000 // these people are ridiculous. if they were truly for “animal rights” as they claim to be, they would consider that many of the animals raised for their meat are not bred to live the long life of their “pasture pet” counterparts. they would understand that (for instance) a cornish cross meat bird or a meat turkey, forced to live more than 1/4 of their heritage breed counterparts will suffer for their entire life…not by the hands of their handler, but due to the fact that their weight will crush their bones, and their circulatory system will not be able to keep up with their growth and the extra work that must be done to keep the animal alive. these are rich urbanites who take these actions to feel morally superior to all who surround them, they have no actual concern for animals, they just want to force everyone to live like them, because they truly believe they are superior to all others. i feel sad for them.

by: arshinefeed // tue, 24 may 2022 03:42:38 +0000 // the low would take effect on april 1, 2023. i wouldn’t want to purchase any meat produced in colorado after that date!
but i guess that is what the animal rights people want – to shut down meat production in the state. so much for animal welfare considerations though.

by: a. novo-gradac // tue, 14 dec 2021 12:21:52 +0000 // hello:
thanks for calling attention to the colorado treatment of animals initiative ballot issue. wow! i have many friends who probably would have supported this initiative because they “love animals”. unfortunately most people are no longer familiar with standard livestock beplay官网全站苹果 and meat production practices. too many people have no idea where their food comes from or how it got there. fortunately, the initiative did not make it to the voters. about three weeks after you posted this article, the colorado supreme court ruled that this initiative violated colorado’s single-subject rule. since the proposed initiative tried to cover too many topics (bestiality as well as slaughter age), it was struck down. please see for details.

however, i am confident that the proponents of the initiative will try again, especially since it was struck down on a technicality. their website ( is still active, and makes no mention of the fact that the initiative was struck down. the website does not discuss slaughter age at all and simply emphasizes that the proposed initiative would extend to livestock the same treatment standards already afforded pets. (i doubt that there are any existing laws in colorado dictating at what age one may euthanize their pet.)
